Your Projects


Simple project where you can see a little practice of javascript.


Single static page about mythologic greek. You can see my little first practice on css

Etche a Sketch

Hava fun with a simple mini canvas and create pixel art with the resolution you want!

Sing up form

A simple form with a few fields

Rock, paper, Scissors!

Can you defeat to the computer in this challenging game? Maybe you will, maybe you are a computer

Odin recipes

I love this ladingpage! A simpley librery with a simple


Library Practice Object

On the next days you have a little project to do a library that add and delete books

Get pretty!

Some pages (maybe all) do not have that icon that get the punch! Get one soon!

flex vs grid

what is your team? flex? grid? you should choose only one! just kidding. Both are greats! in this page, I'm using grid!